Potential Cancer Relapse

The original monster reared its ugly head in Spring of 2008. It presented itself in the left lobe of my thyroid measuring in at nearly 1.5 centimeters. Keep in mind that from what I’ve read, thyroid cancer is supposed to be slow growing, leading me to believe it had been growing for some time. In the midst of my cancer crisis I also experienced the death of my Grandmother, and not long after, my Step Dad.

Don’t worry they said. It’s “the good” cancer they said. How any cancer can be labeled as “good” is beyond me. Do certain thyroid cancers have a high success rate if caught early? Yes. Leave it to me to have a rare mixed form of thyroid cancer that had to be assessed at a medical conference.

In May, 2008 my Physician and I agreed that he would remove the left lobe of my thyroid, to eradicate the cancer. I wanted the chance to keep the right lobe of my thyroid if possible, considering the thyroid is responsible for so much that takes place within the body. It was a crap shoot. My doctor said that if the cancer had not spread to the right lobe of my thyroid-he would leave it intact. I would not know until I woke up from surgery. 

Upon waking from surgery I remember seeing my mom and my sister. The first thing I asked them was “did they leave any thyroid?”.  I was relieved to hear that I still had the right lobe of my thyroid until…

At my follow up doctor visit I was informed that the right lobe of my thyroid is diseased. Autoimmune Disease or “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis” plagues the right lobe of my thyroid. My doctor informed me that it would eventually need to be surgically removed. I took the news in stride, just happy to be cancer free. 

Fast forward to annual cancer checkup 2015.  The thyroid ultrasound was ordered by my Primary Physician. I was shocked when she informed me that my test was “abnormal”.  Abnormal?! After all of these years?! I am still beside myself. I asked her what she meant by abnormal, to which she responded “too much blood flow to the area”.  Ok. I was told to see my Oncologist ASAP. 

Well folks–ASAP is tomorrow, January 4, 2016. I am quite nervous yet ready to tackle whatever is thrown at me. I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jerimiah 29:11

Cold Weather And Chronic Pain-A Subjective Perspective 

img_2322-1For ages, people have claimed that their bodies are affected by the weather. I know mine is. Drastic temperature changes from hot/warm to cold-are the hardest on me. It’s as if the cold air gets into my bones and joints causing increased pain. This extra pain always seems to find its way into formerly injured areas of my body as well. Rainy/damp weather also creates extra pain in my body. I try not to dread the winter, rather take it day by day.

Ironically, I have found the best way to counteract this phenomenon is to bundle up, get outside, and keep moving! Seems simple enough, but trust me-it is not easy. I have to continuously motivate myself and remind myself of the alternative. The alternative is increased pain and difficulties with the activities of daily living.

There is a special type of magic for those of us whom are capable of physical movement. First of all, a little bit goes a long way. The blood is oxygenated when we move, increasing cell regeneration, and overall health. Endorphins, the feel good hormones-which also act as natural pain killers, are released with movement such as a brisk walk. Natural pain killers without all the chemicals-yes please!

Sometimes we simply feel too much pain to get up and get moving. This is where Physical Therapy comes in very handy. I was once a skeptic regarding Physical Therapy. That was until I began to work with a very educated Physical Therapist who is adept enough to handle my case. I’m not going to say I am cured by any means…but I see changes. Do I still suffer Chronic Pain regularly? Yes. The difference working with a skilled Physical Therapist is that I now have “tools” in my toolbox that I can use on a regular basis to create real change within my body. I have noticed an improvement in my muscle strength, as well as “a more disciplined me.” My balance will also improve over time.

For those of you suffering with Chronic Illness/Chronic Pain: Have you noticed any correlation between the weather and your symptoms? I would love to hear from you!! Keep your heads up!!

A Quick Thought…

Living life with Chronic Illness/Chronic Pain, is equal to living a life of redundancy. The pain never leaves completely. One way or another the pain–and all of its implications–creep back into their debilitating state. One way or another, the ultimate destination becomes my bed, where I suffer, unable to accomplish much of anything. Ah, the experience of feeling like a prisoner in your own body. 

Fountain of Youth 🌸

The Fountain of Youth…humanity has been searching for it as long as time (and gravity) have existed. If anyone find’s it-let me know!! Meanwhile, I’d like to share with you some of my “Fountain of Youth” tricks 🙂 Keep in mind I am not a Medical Doctor, I am speaking from my own experience.

Hydration, I believe is of primary importance in keeping the skin healthy and youthful appearing. Drinking quality water daily is of utmost importance. Remember, the skin is the largest organ in the body. Water and good nutrition are the first steps to good skincare. 

MOISTURE. A good moisturizer is essential, even if you have oily or combination skin. My go to moisturizer is 100% pure Castor Oil. 

 Castor oil is super moisturizing, and does not make me break out. I use it on my hair, face, and body. Do you ever have puffy under eyes? Mix a little bit of Castor Oil with pure Turmeric. Turmeric is a spice, and it is known to be one of the most anti inflammatory foods on the planet. The mixture can be used as a moisturizing treatment, and it helps with under eye puffiness. Leave the mixture on your face for about 30 minutes, and then wash with a gentle cleanser, and re moisturize with a quality moisturizer. You can also use Castor Oil as an overnight facial moisturizer!! 

If you wear makeup, it is essential that your first step in makeup application is a good moisturizer, suited for your skin type. I recommend one with a SPF 15- minimum. I love Olay products. I have been using them for years, and the moisturizers are very easy to wear under your makeup. 

Back to nutrition…Clean eating is optimum for healthy skin, but I know we all fall short at times. Keep in mind that Vitamin C is very good for skin health. There are numerous dietary supplements on the market for skin health. I recommend doing your own research to see what you think might benefit you, personally. Here is what I have recently started taking: 

 I honestly do not know if it is beneficial yet, as I have only been taking it for about a week. I will post an update later on Collagen Supplement-Benificial or Not.

The tips I have provided are nothing new under the sun. Just a reminder that even if you are facing Chronic Illness, you can still use simple techniques to help your skin remain youthful appearing. Stay beautiful my fellow Chronic Illness and Beauty Warriors!! 😘


Hello friends, fellow Chronic Illness warriors, and Beauty warriors. I have been off of the radar for a while. Can you guess why? Yes, you probably guessed correctly. I have been very sick and in mucho dolor (a lot of pain).

Chronic Illness does not discriminate-or care. It is an evil monster who seeks to destroy you. Every day is a battle on home turf. Some days you win, some days you lose. Let’s just say my troops have not been up to par lately.

I am completely overwhelmed by the number of Specialists I need to see right now. Prioritizing and making appointments are taking their toll on me.

I lost 10 pounds in November, due to GI problems. That is just one of the many medical problems that I am having right now. I don’t mean to sound redundant, but Chronic Illness itself, is very redundant. Sometimes it feels like living in the movie Groundhog Day…same “stuff” different day.

Siteman Cancer Center is working on getting me into the Oncologist before March, due to the recent abnormal cancer checkup I had. Sometimes it feels like the anxiety about an issue can be even worse than the issue itself. Potential relapse of cancer is very concerning to me, and anxiety provoking. This is where faith, and good friends/family come in quite handy. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes.

In the meantime, I am continuing Physical Therapy, and trying to take care of myself. Those of us with Chronic Illness need to remember to drink plenty of water, supplement our nutrition, get plenty of rest, and try not to isolate ourselves from the world, and those who love us. I know this is easier said than done.

Hang in there my fellow Warriors. I am praying for all of us 🙏🏽. Talk to you soon. Keep your head up!!

Thanksgiving 😖

I do not know if I will be attending Thanksgiving Dinner yet….and it is hours away. I know this feeling is shared by some of my fellow Chronic Illness Warriors. Just the thought of getting ready hurts.

I am already at high pain levels. A shower, hair, and makeup seem impossible right now. Everything hurts, even my fingers. Hot lava courses through my veins. Feet-on FIRE, to name a few symptoms. Tylenol will not touch my pain, and I have a NSAID allergy, so I cannot take Advil or Alieve. I do have a Rx, I just don’t know if I feel like using it today. But, why suffer-right?

I will lay in bed a little while longer and see what happens. Despite being Chronically Ill, I am thankful for a lot-two healthy kiddos, medical insurance, a nice roof over my head-to name a few. Let me not forget family and friends, and you guys. To those of you who take the time to read my blog, like it, and comment. I am thankful for the care and understanding I receive from my readers/followers.

We shall see what happens. We’ll see if dinner is pizza or turkey. I’ll let you guys know what happens. Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate!!